
Meet Victoria, The Key's New Associate

Jan 5, 2024

Tell us a little bit about your background before joining The Key team.

I often refer to myself as a recovering saleswoman, but the truth is being in sales for over a decade set the foundation for everything I’ve done since. It’s etched into my being - I’m a people person and results-driven. I had a brief stint as a data analyst at a little company called Meta where I learned to code on the job. Yes, that was a doozy. During that time, I pitched a story to Marie Claire and I got published. I had never felt so accomplished in my life - I was hooked. I knew my next career had to be in a field where I could write regularly. I landed on PR because of the parallels it shared with sales - relationship-building and pitching. Almost two years later, I couldn’t be happier.

Describe your work style in five words.

Organized, Decisive, Strategic, Efficient, Assertive

What are your favorite kinds of projects to tackle?

All of them, especially something I’ve never tried before. One of the biggest advantages to changing careers in your 30s is lacking fear. You’re comfortable in your skin and not much scares you.

What’s your proudest moment at work (here or elsewhere)?

My proudest moment has to be accepting a job coding for Meta. I took the position under the guise that I didn’t need a technical background, but I ended up learning a Python-adjacent language on the job in a remote setting. It’s been the biggest reminder in my career that I am capable of anything I set my mind to.

What makes you the most excited to be at The Key?

I’ve spent most of my career working for small businesses. It’s where I thrive. I love to have a direct impact on the bottom line and help a brand grow. I found The Key at the perfect time in my life - I love working for female founders who are also mothers because they understand that the time we spend away from our children has to be worthwhile. Our output is that much stronger and we push each other to new heights daily.

Lightning Round:

Favorite office snack? I love Kit Kats, but I hate that they keep restocking them.

Badass role model? My Dad. He started as a driver at the company that he’s owned for the last 20 years. He’s the epitome of the ‘American Dream’.

Power song? What a Fool Believes by The Doobie Brothers

If you could have a superpower, what would it be? I’m a mermaid at heart, but I’d have to say flying. How liberating would that be?

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